How to Enable Remote Disc (Drive Sharing) On Any Mac?

How to Enable Remote Disc (Drive Sharing) On Any Mac?

If your Superdrive or disk drive is on the way out (I think mine is) it can be a real pain to change it, especially if its locked inside a MacBook or MacBook Pro. I personally use my disk drive about twice a year. So when the time comes to get something off a CD it can be a major pain to get something off a CD. However there is a solution to this problem. If you take a look at a MacBook Air, Drive Sharing is available, so all the background code is ready to go, we just need to bring it to life. This post is going to cover the entire method of getting drive sharing to work. If you just want the hack, go to the end of the post.

To enable drive sharing, first go to the computer which will host your DVD. If it is a Mac, you can enable DVD sharing. Go to System Preferences > Sharing and check “DVD or CD Sharing”. If you are on a Windows machine (I feel sorry for you), download this package and install it. Under Control Panel open up “DVD and CD Sharing” and check the box which asks if you want to enable Disc Sharing. The host computer is now set up. To save you some time, you can now insert the DVD you want to share.

Here comes the hack. On a MacBook Air this little preference code is already enabled. On other Macs this isn’t the case. Open up Terminal and type the following two lines, press return after each one. There will be no confirmation from Terminal when you have finished. From MacRumors.

defaults write EnableODiskBrowsing -bool true
defaults write ODSSupported -bool true

Restart you Mac, when you open Finder again you should see “Remote Disk” in the sidebar (make sure its enabled in Preferences). You can now navigate to the drive as if it was on your own computer. Loading the files takes slightly longer since it has to run over your network. I remember reading somewhere that this wont work over secured Wi-Fi connections, so you have to use a cable for best results.

Remote Disk

The Remote Disc option acts like a folder, each drive that is shared will appear as its own entry under “Remote Disk”. This means that you can set up this feature on other Mac’s and share the drives over the network. I personally think this type of trick will be pretty cool if you are in an office environment and constantly handing disks over to each other. If you are really adventurous and have a Mac with lots of USB ports or internal slots (i.e a MacPro) you could make a CD server with lots of disk drives and share each one of them, so every one over a network can access them. However, if it has come to that it may be worth ripping the disk to a disk image and making a ISO server. Fun idea anyway.

How to disable ads in safari browser?

Disable Ads In Safari

Sorry for the lack of posts over the last couple of days, University has got really busy and I had no free time at all to do any post. The weekend however has arrived and I have some free time to do some work. Todays post will be about blocking adverts on websites while using Safari. I find that adverts on web pages are getting more an more annoying and some, inevitably, need to be removed from view.

This plugin for Safari is very similar to one for Firefox, called Adblock Plus. They are both designed to block adverts from view. These can include those really annoying half page ones that pop up, or adverts that make no sense and you don’t want to see. Its also very useful if you run on a limited connection and want to save the bandwidth. Some, especially Flash, adverts take up a lot of bandwidth and you may want to remove them.

To install Safar Adblock, head over to this website. Here you can download and install the plugin. You do need Mac OS X 10.5+ and if you are a Snow Leopard user you have to run Safari in 32-bit mode for the plugin to work. Its a useful little plugin which enables your web surfing to be clutter free.

How to Editing Startup Items On Your Mac?

How to Editing Startup Items On Your Mac?
This trick is going to show you how you can modify your start up items. When you Mac boots it will first run the Start Up Items folder, then produce the login screen, finally it would log in and run any login items. There is a slight difference in the two folders (Start Up and Login), as a result you can have different effects.
To find your Start Up Items folder, go to Macintosh HD > Library > StartupItems depending on what you have installed there can be any where between zero entries and a whole leap of folders. Here you can dissect what is going on. If you have an application that misbehaves on bootup, it can be a good bet to move it out of the folder. Anything in this folder will run just after boot, so if you have boot problems, the offending code will probably be in this folder.
I haven’t tested this trick, however, if you want applications to run at boot, place them in a folder within the Startup Items, restart you computer and see of the application runs. This can be useful for running your Mac in kiosk mode or making an application run before you have to log in (such as monitoring apps). Have a play around and see what happens. If anything breaks move it out of the folder and try again.
I have a had a look around for various different resources on the StartupItems folder. At the moment it seems to be trial and error if anything works.

Different Bootable Operating Systems On Your Mac

Different Bootable Operating Systems On Your Mac
Today we have a guest post by Chris Wanja. He wanted to do a post on creating different bootable disks which you can use on an external hard drive. For example a Leopard Boot and a Snow Leopard Boot. This means you have two different operating systems which you can use and allows you to try things out in different operating systems. This method is slightly different to the bootable backups I did a couple of days ago. The method is quite complicated so you have to follow the instructions quite carefully. I recommend people who know what they are doing attempt this tutorial as you can easily lose all of your data. If you have any questions please leave a comment below or Twitter.
“In the post we cover how to create bootable, clean operating systems as well as bootable installers. Some plus sides to creating a bootable drive is the ability to defragment your own hard-drive. Defragging simply moves broken up sectors on your hard-drive back inline so they are side-by-side. This increases the response of your operating system when you request a file. To read more on defragmentation, check out this Wikipedia article. On a Windows machine, they include the ability to defragment right from inside the operating system. On the Mac, you have to purchase a software CD such as Drive Genius and then boot into that CD. With a bootable operating system, you can load via that and defragment right from there. It is a lot faster over FireWire or USB than a bootable CD. Creating a bootable operating system installer makes things so much faster than installing off a retail copy or grey discs included with your Mac. The latter part of this post will show you how to great a bootable operating system while this next section will show you how to create an installer partition.
Go ahead and plug in and turn on your hard-drive. Insert the retail copy of Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard or which OS you would like. Let it mount on your desktop. As soon as it mounts, fire up Disk Utility found in your ~/Applications/Utilities folder. In Disk Utility you are welcomed with a screen that has your local hard-drive and your optical drive. For users on 10.3 or lower, Disk Utility will not mount your optical drive. At this point, you will see your internal hard-drive, CD drive and any external hard-drives connected. Choose the main hard-drive (the brand name) on the left hand side. Across the center, choose the partition tab and create two (2) partitions for every operating system you would like to install; one for the installer and one for the clean boot. Use all of the sizes below to make sure you have enough space partitioned:
  • Snow Leopard:

    • Install: 12GB
    • Operating System: 15GB
  • Leopard

    • Install: 15GB
    • Operating System: 20GB
You are now ready to move on to imaging the CD to the Installer partition. Read on!
The picture below shows five (5) different partitions. On a small 500GB disk I have my TimeMachine, 10.5.6 Installer, 10.5.6+ OS, 10.6 Installer and the 10.6 OS. Choose the partition you want to send the installer too. Notice the buttons across the middle box change when you select a specific partition. Go to the “Restore” button. Feel free to read the text at the top, but our focus will be on the input spaces in the lower half of the box. The first box is for your source (the install CD) and below that is for the hard-drive partition you want it to install to.
Different Bootable Operating Systems On Your Mac
NOTE: obviously, names of partitions will be different so the Destination box will be different from user to user. Click the “Restore” button, input your password and off it will go. Let the Disk Utility do its thing and about forty-five minutes to a you will be done. By default, your partition will be renamed “Mac OS X Install”; go ahead and rename it for reference later on. I choose the OS version – IE: 10.5.6 Install or 10.6 Install.
Next up is installing a clean operating system on an empty partitioned hard-drive. We just created an faster way to install the operating system, so lets go ahead and use that. Make sure there is an empty partition waiting for your OS install. If not, go back into Disk Utility and create a partition (as described above). Shut down your computer (or restart) and as soon as you see the grey screen hold down the option/alt key – ⌥. This should bring you to the screen show you all bootable drives. You will see your internal drive (Macintosh HD or what you have it named as) and then you will see the partition with the installer you just created. There should be only two drives, so you should not be to confused, try doing it with five different bootable OS and installers. Choose the installer partition and you will be booted into it just as if you were doing it off the CD. Follow the prompts just like you would to re-install. The only difference is when you come to the screen that allows you choose the hard-drive, make sure you choose that empty partition. DO NOT CHOOSE YOUR INTERNAL HARD-DRIVE – it should have a yellow triangle on it. Consider that a big red stop sign and choose the other. Finish the installer and it will reboot. When it reboots it is scripted to go to that operating system it just installed. So make sure you hold down the option / alt key to choose your internal hard-drive (unless you want to go into the new operating system you just created).
You have successfully created a FireWire or USB installer and bootable operating system. There is a couple of different ways of access these new jewels of yours.
  • Easiest: restarting and holding down the option / alt key. Then choose the partition you want to access.
  • Pain in the neck: Open System Preferences, go to Startup Disk, unlock, and choose the external drive. The reason I call this the pain in the neck method is for two reasons:

    • On turn on, the OS will constantly look for that external partition. When it doesn’t find it (because it is not always plugged in) it will default to your internal hard-drive. This adds about ten seconds to the boot time.
    • If the drive is plugged in, it will always default to that (until you change it). Making it a pain if you forget”
You should now have more than one different operating system available to you which you can use as necessary. I hope you followed this tutorial and now have two operating systems on your hard drive.

Wireless Keyboard lost ?

Wireless Keyboard lost
Wireless Keyboard lost
Wireless Keyboard lost
Wireless Keyboard lost
Wireless Keyboard lost

My MacBook Air has problems finding my wireless keyboard. It is paired, but not seen. I have to go through the whole rigmarole of adding a new device to make it visible. Why?

Sometimes Bluetooth preferences lets me connect; sometimes not.

My Keyboard isn't a favourite! Solving this should be easy—just use Bluetooth panel in System Preferences.

There's an obvious button to press in Tiger; but on Leopard it's hidden.


Open Bluetooth Preferences ...

Select your device (Keyboard or whatever).

For an immediate fix select Connect from the settings menu.

For something longer-lasting, select Show More Info

The trick: From the settings menu (which has now changed) select Add to Favorites. You're done.

Sometimes it shows connected but still no keystrokes appear: Disconnect and then Connect using the settings menu.

MacBook Air freeze: reset SMC

MacBook Air freeze: reset SMC

Daily, I take my MBA to work, and connect it to my 30" cinema display. At the end of the day I disconnect and take it home. Once back home, I plug into the 24" LED display and keep on working. The MBA sleeps while I'm cycling to and fro — and wakes up when I plug it in.

Today, I got home, plugged in, and found a blank screen. I waited; nothing happened. I waited some more. Eventually I gave up waiting and did a forced shut-down, by pressing and holding the power button.

To restart, I pressed the power button. The chimes, and the apple came up just as usual; then the little wheel thing came up, but it didn't move. I waited — nothing. I plugged in, unplugged, opened. closed, shut-down (again) etc. I tried all of this again, and again, in various permutations, and with plenty of waiting — nothing. Frozen as a dead parrot!

So, I reset the System Management Controller — that worked :-)

To reset the SMC: Shutdown; plug in to mains power; hold down shift-ctrl-alt (alt is aka option) on the left side of the keyboard, and press the power key once; then release the keys, wait 5 seconds, and press the power key to restart. Effective magic!

The SMC includes the Power Management Unit (PMU) you may be familiar with from other devices.

How to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows System

DriverMax - Free driver download program for Windows XP & Vista

I am shure that you've been in situations when you want to format your hard drive and reinstall Windows, but you're not sure you have all the hardware driver disks to get everything working again. I've been in situations when after a reinstalation of Windows, i had to spend a lot of hours in searching and downloading drivers, so belive me that's not interesting at all. Instead of searching for drivers over the internet or borrowing CD from friend, you can use simple and very effective tool called DriverMax. This tool allows you to download, backup and restore the drivers installed on your Windows Vista or Windows XP computer and check if newer versions are available. After reinstalling Windows you will have everything in one place.
In this post i'll explain and show you how to use DriverMax.

Before the use of DriverMax you need to register. It's simple and totally free.

How to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows System
DriverMax Complete Features:

* Back up your drivers for fast and easy Windows re-installation
* Download the latest driver updates from one place
* Get detailed reports about the your computer’s components
* Check for driver updates
* Search and get accurate and detailed information when planning to buy new hardware
* Share your computer’s hardware information with your friends.

Back up your drivers for fast and easy Windows re-installation

To backup your drivers to a folder , click on "Exports Drivers" under "Driver Operation" tab and after the re-installation is complete you can restore them from a single page rather than having to install each driver separately.

How to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows SystemHow to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows System
Download the latest driver updates from one place

If you want to find new drivers or display a detailed list of updates, just click on "Check for drivers updates", under "Update and Identification" tab and DriverMax will do the rest.
Here you can also get detailed information about many devices installed in your computer and also identify unknown hardware installed in your pc based on an exact search in the DriverMax database.

How to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows System
How to Check and Download The Latest Drivers for your Windows SystemDriverMax has a lot of interesting options like identify unknown hardware, find detailed hardware information, check best and popular hardware and etc. For sure it's very useful tool.

Download DriverMax

Download Portable Windows Keys Finder

The utility allows you to recover your CD key for Windows for the purposes of reinstalling / repairing your Windows setup.

In case you lost your CD key, this little portable utility can retrieve Keys information for windows. You can also call this serial number or registration information of windows.

Download Portable Windows Keys Finder

This version will currently retrieve the CD keys for the following products

* Windows 2000,XP
* Office 2007 beta
* Office Professional 2003
* Front Page 2003


Detect and Remove Trojans, Spyware, Malware, Rouge Software and Keyloggers with NVT Malware Remover

Remove any malware from your computer with a single click.

NVT Malware Remover Tool is an application designed to detect and remove most of the Malware, Trojans, Keyloggers and other malicious threats from your computer. It includes also the ability to remove rogue software, Spyware and it allows you to do a complete system scan.

Detect and Remove Trojans, Spyware, Malware, Rouge Software and Keyloggers with NVT Malware Remover

  • Accurate and Complete Disinfection Method
  • Save Report Log
  • Save infected files into "Infected" directory
  • Remove Rogue Software and Unwanted Applications
  • Remove Trojans, Spyware and Keyloggers
  • Remove more than 6000 malicious threads
  • Complete System Scan
  • Easy to use


The usage of NVT Malware Remover Tool is very easy:
1) Download and Install it
2) Update
3) Scan your Computer
4) To remove a detected file just click over the file with the right click of the mouse and select "Delete selected file".

To avoid possible false positives you can submit detected files in online malware scanners before delete them.


* Platform: Microsoft ® Windows All
* File Size: 1118 KB
* License: Freeware

Locking the desktop

Locking the desktopIf you are leaving your computer for a while and do not wish to turn it off, but want to assure that no-one else can use the computer while you are away, locking the desktop is the best option.

By pressing WINDOWSKEY+L, you password protect your system just as if you had logged out or restarted the computer. The advantage is that any programs or processes that were running when you locked the desktop will stay open and running in the background, ready for you to resume work or play.

Windows XP is like a big ocean of tips and tricks. In the coming days I will add more and more Windows XP tips, tricks and hacks to this article.

Force windows XP to reboot upon crashing

Force windows XP to reboot upon crashing
This registry edit will cause your system to reboot itself automatically upon crashing. This can be useful if you have a reason for keeping your system on 24/7:



Renaming The Recycle Bin icon

Renaming The Recycle Bin icon
To change the name of the Recycle Bin desktop icon, click Start then goto Run, write Regedit and press Enter. It opens Registry Editor. Now in Registry Editor go to:

and change the name "Recycle Bin" to whatever you want (don’t type any quotes).

Removing Shared Documents folder From My Computer

Open registry editor by going to Start then Run and entering regedit. Once in registry, navigate to key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ My Computer \ NameSpace \ DelegateFolders

You must see a sub-key named {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee}. If you delete this key, you have effectively removed the my shared documents folder.

Creating Shutdown Icon or One Click Shutdown

 Creating Shutdown Icon or One Click ShutdownNavigate to your desktop. On the desktop, right-click and go to New, then to Shortcut (in other words, create a new shortcut). You should now see a pop-up window instructing you to enter a command line path.
Use this path in "Type Location of the Item"
SHUTDOWN -s -t 01
If the C: drive is not your local hard drive, then replace "C" with the correct letter of the hard drive. Click the "Next" button. Name the shortcut and click the "Finish" button. Now whenever you want to shut down, just click on this shortcut and you’re done.

Creating a desktop shortcut for locking your pc !

Creating a desktop shortcut for locking your pc !If you use your computer in an area where others may have access to it, and there are things on your system you would rather have kept confidential, locking your desktop when you leave the computer is an essential task. Here's a recipe for a desktop shortcut that will lock your computer in two easy clicks:

Right click on an empty area of the desktop and choose 'new' then 'shortcut.' The create shortcut wizard will open; in the first text box, type '%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation' and then give your shortcut an appropriate name on the next page, and hit 'finish.'

You will notice that the shortcut you created has a blank icon. To select a more appropriate one, right click on the shortcut and hit 'properties.' In the 'shortcut' tab, click the 'change icon' button.

In the 'look for icons in this file' box, type '%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll' then click 'ok' to see a range of icons for your new shortcut. Choose an appropriate icon. Your desktop locking shortcut is now ready for use. Test it out.

Application Development

We develop applications which are user friendly and which perfectly blend with your Business Environment. Get complete Application based Business solutions from Kaushalam, a Trusted & Reliable source for all E-Commerce needs.

Sometimes the best solution for your company is a custom solution - an application tailored to your exact specs, to satisfy your unique needs.

Kaushalam is a leader in Custom Application Development. We can build the precise desktop or networked applications you want - error-free, fully compliant, well-documented, and very user friendly.

Our clients value us for our extensive experience with:
  • New Application Development
  • Custom Development
  • Rapid Application Development
  • Stringent Quality Assurance Testing
Our skilled development team has built many dozens of complex desktop, networked and web based applications over the years, using Best Practices and rigorous techniques we acquired from our enterprise-level project work:
  • Agile Development
  • Xtreme Dev Practices
  • Waterfall Modeled Methods
  • Rational Unified Processes
We have decades of combined expertise in C#, .NET, PHP, XML, ASP, Access, WPF, Cold Fusion and open source development tools that will assure the success of your project.

Our off-shore Development team is very talented & well-educated. Our senior software engineers all have Master's Degrees and no one on the team has less that a Bachelor's Degree.

Whatever your project needs - Rapid Web Application Development, Inventory Management, a custom ERP module, or a complete CRM system - our developers will send you detailed progress reports on a daily and weekly basis. Plus, our team is easy to reach via email, IM chat, VoIP phone, or whatever works best for you. You'll always know the status of your project.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Tools:

We've helped several large organizations with ERP application development and add-on ERP modules.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Solutions:

Our custom CRM software development services have received rave reviews. References available upon request.

Inventory Management Systems:

We've developed flexible & powerful order & product inventory management systems for a wide range of eCommerce platforms, including Yahoo, eBay and

Modify autoplay for different types of CD

Modify autoplay for different types of CDWindows XP includes the ability to perform different actions depending on the type of CD you insert into the drive. For example, you could set your system to always respond to CDs containing MP3 files by opening Windows Media Player.

To edit the Autoplay properties: Open 'my computer'. Right click on the drive you wish to set and select 'properties'. Choose the autoplay tab. Use the dropdown box to see the various recognized types of CD and choose appropriate actions for them.

Recover Stored Passwords from Firefox with FirePasswordViewer

Utility to decrypt and recover stored passwords and logins stored by FireFox Web Browse in the local computer system.

FirePasswordViewer is the GUI version of FirePassword tool designed to decrypt sign-on secrets stored by Firefox. Firefox records the login details such as username and password for every website authorized by the user and stores them in the sign-on database file in encrypted format.

FirePasswordViewer tool can decrypt and display these secrets on the same lines as the Firefox built-in password manager. The main advantage of FirePasswordViewer is that it does not require Firefox to be running. This is very useful in recovering the sign-on details when Firefox fails to function properly.

Also FirePasswordViewer can be used to display sign-on secrets from different profile (other than current profile) as well as from the different operating system altogether. This greatly helps forensic investigators who can copy the relevant files from the target system to test machine and view the credentials offline without affecting the target environment. In addition, you will be able to save the shown sign-on information to a file in standard HTML format and you can store it for later reference.


Mozilla Firefox Addons for All Internet Users

Mozilla Firefox Addons for All Internet Users
Customize and supercharge your Web browsing experience with these awesome Firefox Add-ons!

In this post i'll show you some Firefox addons that are useful to anyone who uses the Web. These extensions make surfing the net, reading email, bookmarking links, and talking to friends easier.

Here is the list of my Top Mozilla Firefox Addons for All Internet Users :

Music Addons

1. FoxyTunes - If you listen to music while you surf, you might find FoxyTunes useful. It embeds audio player controls (play, pause, etc) into Firefox. It can be in the status bar or a toolbar. Supported media players include iTunes, Pandora, Windows Media, Winamp, and lots more.

2. TwittyTunes - Quickly post what you’re listening to (or watching) on Twitter. (Also see TwitterFox for more general purpose Twitter updates.)

Webmail Addons

3. Better Gmail 2 - This addon is a compilation of a bunch of Greasemonkey (required) scripts that enhance Gmail. For the full list of features and screenshots, visit the Better Gmail homepage at Lifehacker.

4. Gmail Manager lets you manage multiple Gmail accounts at the same time. You’re logged into multiple accounts, and get updates via the a new dropdown added to your navigation bar.

5. Yahoo Mail Notifier - If you just want to know when you get new Yahoo mail without all the other features of the Yahoo Toolbar, this addon is for you. It places a small icon in the status bar with the number of new unread messages in your inbox.

Surf the Web

6. Fire Gestures - With this extension, you can use your mouse for much more than clicking. For example, by holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse to the left a bit, Firefox will go to the previous page as if you had clicked the Back button.

7. GooglePreview Adds a thumbnail preview next to the Google search results page. Being a visually oriented person who spends a lot of time at Google, this addon is one of my favorites. I like seeing what the linked website looks like before I click through.

Social Networking

8. LinkedIn Companion - Integrates with your webmail (eg., Gmail, Yahoo) and adds a button you can click next to contacts with LinkedIn profiles. Adds a dropdown menu of things you can do with LinkedIn — search jobs, search profiles, add a connection, etc. Useful for people who use LinkedIn extensively for business networking.

9. Facebook Toolbar - Always be on Facebook, literally, by embedding it into your Firefox! This toolbar lets you search Facebook, pop open a sidebar and quickly connect with friends, and get notifications while you surf. With the toolbar, you don’t have to periodically check back in at the Facebook website because you’ll always be connectecd.


10. - is the original social bookmarking service. It lets you bookmark links and organize them by tags. Because it’s a Web based service, all your bookmarks sync up on all your computers. The addon provides buttons to quickly bookmark and tag a webpage, and displays the last few links you’ve bookmarked.

11. Foxmarks - Foxmarks synchronizes your Firefox bookmarks across all the computers you use. Bookmarks are synced via a central location at

12. Fast Dial creates a page with thumbnail links to your top 15 bookmarks. Links are assigned to numbers, so you can also use the keyboard shortcut ALT- to quickly jump to one of your fast dial websites.

Block Online Advertising

13. Adblock Plus block banner ads from being displayed. The killer feature of this addon is the subscription list. When you install Adblock Plus, you are asked if you want to subscribe to a list of ad servers to be blocked. Choose Yes. The list is maintained by someone else, so by doing nothing other than installing this extension, you’ve eliminated 90% of Web advertising that you used to see.

Other Great Mozilla Firefox Add-ons

14. Adblock Plus
15. ChatZilla
16. Google Preview
17. Linkification
18. Flashgot
19. FlagFox
20. SwitchProxy Tool
21. ShowIP
22. Timetracker
23. IE Tab

Tools to Find Invisible Yahoo Messenger Users

Top tools to detect online status for yahoo messenger. Scan online, offline and invisible status for yahoo messenger.

I'm shure all of yahoo messsenger member knows that Yahoo has a Stealth settings feature thatTools to Find Invisible Yahoo Messenger Users lets you choose the people who see you as online and offline (Invisible Mode), but have you ever wondered if your Friend is in Invisible mode or its Offline? Now you can spy your buddy to see his/her real yahoo status.

1. XEEBER - The best and easy way to detect your buddy is XEEBER. With Xeeber you can discover who is online available at yahoo messenger and who is invisible.

2. is a website for Yahoo! Messenger status checking. With you can now bypass Yahoo! Messenger's Invisible Settings with ease. With its quick and intuitive interface offers you the ability to see if your friend is truly online or if they are invisible.

3. - is a new webtool which also help you to find the Invisible user and also let you know which Avatar he is Using.

4. is a website from where you can find invisible people in yahoo! messenger with their avatar.

5. Imvisible - IMvisible is one of the fastest free Yahoo Messenger invisible detectors.

How to disable Right click on Desktop?

This tweak removes the context menu that would normally appear when the user right clicks on the desktop or in the Explorer right results.

In this post i want to show you how to disable the right click functionality on desktop and explorer by using a simple registry hack. The bad thing is that people can still drag files and folders and drop them everywhere but it does provide some level of protection.

Lets start:

To use this feature, you will need to be logged into your computer with administrative rights.

1. Go to Start > Run > type REGEDIT and hit enter. Navigate to:


How to disable Right click on Desktop?
2. Here in right side panel, right click to create a new DWORD value with the name NoViewContextMenu (it is case sensitive), then assign number 1 in value data box.

How to disable Right click on Desktop?
Adding the registry tweak above will disable mouse right click for ALL users. If you only want to disable for the current logged in user, you should add the registry tweak to HKEY_CURRENT_USER instead of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Learn How To Hack

A couple of days ago I find great hacking (e)book called The Hacker’s Underground Handbook, (e)book that comes as an aid for all those that are starting journey to learn how to hack It was made specifically for the beginners who really want to get into hacking and for those of us who began and got lost.

The Hacker’s Underground Handbook

Learn How To Hack


This book will guide you in the right direction helping you understand password cracking, phishing, network hacking, wireless hacking, malware, Windows hacking and etc.

I was really surprised how this book laid out the information, presenting it in an easy to read and understandable fashion. In each chapter the author first introduces you to the topic and then shows you a real-world example with step-by-step instructions with images. It makes hacking look so easy!

Once you complete reading this book, the author explains where to go from there and how to keep learning. You will never again be lost and overwhelmed by all the hacking information out there.
If you think this book is something you would be interested in, you can get it here. Hacker's Underground Handbook

Most important keyboard shortcuts

Most important keyboard shortcuts

Windows key + R = Run menu

This is usually followed by:

cmd = Command Prompt

iexplore + "web address"
= Internet Explorer

= Computer Management

= DHCP Management

= DNS Management

= Services

= Event Viewer

= Active Directory Users and Computers

= Active Directory Sites and Services

Windows key + E
= Explorer

ALT + Tab = Switch between windows

ALT, Space, X = Maximize window

CTRL + Shift + Esc = Task Manager

Windows key + Break = System properties

Windows key + F = Search

Windows key + D = Hide/Display all windows

CTRL + C = copy

CTRL + X = cut

CTRL + V = paste

Also don't forget about the "Right-click" key next to the right Windows key on your keyboard. Using the arrows and that key can get just about anything done once you've opened up any program.

Explorer shortcuts

END - Display the bottom of the active window.

HOME - Display the top of the active window.

NUM LOCK+ASTERISK - on numeric keypad (*) Display all subfolders under the selected folder.

NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN - on numeric keypad (+) Display the contents of the selected folder.

NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN - on numeric keypad (-) Collapse the selected folder.

LEFT ARROW -Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder.

RIGHT ARROW - Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder.

For Windows XP:

Copy - CTRL+C

Cut - CTRL+X

Paste - CTRL+V

Undo - CTRL+Z

Delete - DELETE

Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin - SHIFT+DELETE

Copy selected item - CTRL while dragging an item

Create shortcut to selected item - CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item

Rename selected item - F2

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word - CTRL+RIGHT ARROW

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word - CTRL+LEFT ARROW

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph - CTRL+DOWN ARROW

Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph - CTRL+UP ARROW

Highlight a block of text - CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document - SHIFT with any of the arrow keys

Select all - CTRL+A

Search for a file or folder - F3

View properties for the selected item - ALT+ENTER

Close the active item, or quit the active program - ALT+F4

Opens the shortcut menu for the active window - ALT+SPACEBAR

Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously - CTRL+F4

Switch between open items - ALT+TAB

Cycle through items in the order they were opened - ALT+ESC

Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop - F6

Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer - F4

Display the shortcut menu for the selected item - SHIFT+F10

Display the System menu for the active window - ALT+SPACEBAR

Display the Start menu - CTRL+ESC

Display the corresponding menu - ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name

Carry out the corresponding command - Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu

Activate the menu bar in the active program - F10

Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu - RIGHT ARROW

Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu - LEFT ARROW

Refresh the active window - F5

View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer - BACKSPACE

Cancel the current task - ESC

SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive
Prevent the CD from automatically playing.

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts:

Switch FilterKeys on and off - Right SHIFT for eight seconds

Switch High Contrast on and off - Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN

Switch MouseKeys on and off - Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK

Switch StickyKeys on and off - SHIFT five times

Switch ToggleKeys on and off - NUM LOCK for five seconds

Open Utility Manager - WIN Key+U

Keyboard Shortcuts

[Alt] and [Esc] - Switch between running applications

[Alt] and letter Select menu item by underlined letter

[Ctrl] and [Esc] - Open Program Menu

[Ctrl] and [F4] - Close active document or group windows (does not work with some applications)

[Alt] and [F4] - Quit active application or close current window

[Alt] and [-] - Open Control menu for active document

[Ctrl] Lft., Rt. arrow - Move cursor forward or back one word

[Ctrl] Up, Down arrow - Move cursor forward or back one paragraph

[F1] - Open Help for active application

Windows+M - Minimize all open windows

Shift+Windows+M - Undo minimize all open windows

Windows+F1 - Open Windows Help

Windows+Tab - Cycle through the Taskbar buttons

Windows+Break - Open the System Properties dialog box

Acessability shortcuts

Right SHIFT for eight seconds - Switch FilterKeys on and off.

Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN - Switch High Contrast on and off.

Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK - Switch MouseKeys on and off.

SHIFT five times - Switch StickyKeys on and off.

NUM LOCK - for five seconds Switch ToggleKeys on and off.

Type the following commands in your Run Box (Windows Key + R) or Start Run

devmgmt.msc = Device Manager

= System Information

= Disk Cleanup

= Backup or Restore Wizard (Windows Backup Utility)

= Microsoft Management Console

= Microsoft Excel (If Installed)

= Microsoft Access (If Installed)

= Microsoft PowerPoint (If Installed)

= Microsoft Word (If Installed)

= Microsoft FrontPage (If Installed)

= Notepad

= WordPad

= Calculator

= Windows Messenger

= Microsoft Paint

= Windows Media Player

= System Restore

= Netscape 6.x

= Netscape 7.x

= Netscape 4.x

= America Online

= Opens the Control Panel

control printers
= Opens the Printers Dialog

Internet browser

Type in u're adress "google", then press [Right CTRL] and [Enter]
add www. and .com to word and go to it

Use these keyboard shortcuts for dialog boxes:

Move forward through tabs - CTRL+TAB

Move backward through tabs - CTRL+SHIFT+TAB

Move forward through options - TAB

Move backward through options - SHIFT+TAB

Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option - ALT+Underlined letter

Carry out the command for the active option or button - ENTER

Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box - SPACEBAR

Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons - Arrow keys

Display Help - F1

Display the items in the active list - F4

Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box - BACKSPACE

If you have a Microsoft Natural Keyboard, or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key and the Application key , you can use these keyboard shortcuts:

Display or hide the Start menu - WIN Key

Display the System Properties dialog box - WIN Key+BREAK

Show the desktop - WIN Key+D

Minimize all windows - WIN Key+M

Restores minimized windows - WIN Key+Shift+M

Open My Computer - WIN Key+E

Search for a file or folder - WIN Key+F

Search for computers - CTRL+WIN Key+F

Display Windows Help - WIN Key+F1

Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you are not connected to a network domain - WIN Key+ L

Open the Run dialog box - WIN Key+R

Open Utility Manager - WIN Key+U

Shortcuts you can use with Windows Explorer:

Display the bottom of the active window - END

Display the top of the active window - HOME

Display all subfolders under the selected folder - NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric keypad (*)

Display the contents of the selected folder - NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)

Collapse the selected folder - NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)

Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder - LEFT ARROW

Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder - RIGHT ARROW

How to find the IP address of the email sender in Yahoo! Mail

Guide to tracking of emails to find sender's IP address using email headers.

In this tutorial i shall be writing about the trick to get the IP Address of sender in Yahoo Mail. This is useful if someone is spamming your inbox with junk mail or any other reason you may have to find the location of the email sender.

How to find the IP address of the email sender in Yahoo! Mail
Note: You won't be able to find the real IP address if the sender uses an anonymous proxy server.

Here is a step by step guide to get the IP address of an email sender in Yahoo! Mail:

1. Log into your Yahoo! mail with your username and password.
2. Click on Inbox or any folder where you have stored your mail.
3. Open the mail
4. At the bottom right region of the email, you'll see there is a drop-down option "Full Headers". If you can't find it press Ctrl+F and search for "header".

How to find the IP address of the email sender in Yahoo! MailHow to find the IP address of the email sender in Yahoo! Mail
5. Click on it and look for Received: from followed by the IP address between square brackets [ ].

How to find the IP address of the email sender in Yahoo! Mail
6. That should most likely be the IP address of the sender. If there are many instances of Received: from with the IP address, select the IP address in the last pattern. If there are no instances of Received: from with the IP address, select the first IP address in X-Originating-IP.

Now, you can find the exact location of the sender by using GeoBytes IP Locator or IP2Location.

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It

Instructions on how to use a web proxy server with a variety of browsers.

Proxies are store-and-forward caches. When you configure your web browser to use a proxy, it never connects to the URL. Instead, it always connects to the proxy server, and asks it to get the URL for you. Proxies can be used as a sort of firewall, because it isolates you from connecting to the Internet. When you use a proxy server, your computer will send a request to the proxy server, then the proxy server will send it to the destination (for example a website), the destination will answer the request the proxy has sent and finally the proxy will return the data to you computer. For example when you visit via proxy.

Why should you use proxy servers?

  • Using proxy server you can bypass security/ parental controls
  • To scan transmitted content before delivery for malware.
  • Proxy server is able to increase or decrease the speed of your connection to the Internet depending on the location of the proxy
  • Proxy server ( but only anonymous) can hide your IP address (the resource you visit will retrieve the IP of the proxy, and not your
  • Proxy servers can help in case some owner of an Internet resource impose restrictions for users from certain countries ( for example is only reserved for those from United States, if you are not from United States, you can’t watch videos on

How to use a proxy server?

It is simple, just follow these instructions for Internet Explorer

1. Open Internet Explorer

2. In the Menu bar, select Tools, then Internet Options

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
3. After that click the Connection tab

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
4. In the Connection tab, on the bottom , you will find LAN settings;

5. In LAN tab, check "Use a proxy server for your LAN (These settings will not apply to dial-up or or VPN connections)", in Address add the IP Addresses of the proxy you would like to use, and add Port, and finally click OK. It looks like this:

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
In this example i am using an anonymous proxy server from United Kingdom with this IP address: and port 80. Here you can find a free proxy list. These are free proxy servers. For more free proxies, just google "free proxy server list".

The same is for Mozilla Firefox

1. Open Mozilla Firefox

2. In Menu bar, select Tools, then Options…

3. After this will appear Options window, click Advanced tab

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
4. In Advanced tab, you will find Settings, click it

5. In Settings tab, check Manually proxy configuration, in HTTP Proxy add IP addresses from proxy server, and add Port, you can also set sites where you wont't use proxy server. For Example if you are from Germany, no sense to use a proxy server for German sites.
In the end click Ok;

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
I used the same proxy server(therefore the same address) also for Mozilla.

Instructions for Netscape:

1. Select the Tools Menu
2. Select Options
3. Select General
4. Select Connection Settings...
5. Check Manual Proxy Configuration
6. Enter the proxy server's IP address in the HTTP Proxy field and the proxy's port into the Port field.
7. OK your way out

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It
Instructions for Opera

1. Select the Tools Menu
2. Select Preferences
3. Select Advanced Tab
4. Select Proxy Servers
5. Check the box next to HTTP
6. Enter the proxy server's IP address in the first box and the proxy's port in the box after "Port"
7. OK your way out

What Is A Proxy Server And How To Use It

Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows

Using Smart Installer Pack you can save a lot of time when downloading and installing your favorite software after an OS re-installation.

It becomes very annoying to re-install all the previously installed applications after a Windows format. Generally there are must have softwares or rather freewares that need to be reinstalled after the format. The most annoying thing after you format your pc is to search the web, download programs one by one and install them on the computer system. The Smart Installer Pack tries to reduce the time it takes to install popular software by providing an interface to download and install dozens of popular software programs. Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows

Smart Installer Pack is one executable file, which can automatically install more than 70 freeware applications in one click. It eliminates the task of searching around the Internet, waiting, downloading and installing the apps one by one. It has a easy and intuitive user interface design.

 Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows

  • Easy, intuitive user interface design
  • Contains usual start-up software
  • Greatly reduces the time needed to install that software, eliminating some of the unnecessary searching, waiting, etc.
  • All free
  • The installer comes packed in a convenient executable file
  • You can choose which software you want to download and install from within the program using suggestive icons
  • The application is made as small as possible
  • Install fast, fast, faster!
It is also a good idea to check the version of the programs downloaded with the latest version on the developer’s website (or through an existing update function in the software) to make sure the latest version has indeed been installed.

Download latest version of Smart Installer Pack (Size: 227 MB)

* Software included in Smart Installer Pack:

[Click on the images to see the full size]
 Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows

 Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows Best Freeware Softwares in One Single Smart Installer Pack for Windows

Now, all you have to do is download this Smart Installer Pack and put it to work to get the job done fast.