SONY Gadgets: Dash Tablet 2010

The Sony’s dash is the latest tablet device to be an inexpensive gizmo designed for users to access Internet and Internet applications. The device estimated costs around US$199. Sony unveiled the device at CES 2010 trade show in Las Vegas.

The device is 7-inch touch screen with built-in wifi that allows to access over 1,000 specially written Internet applications, for news, calendaring, weather, sports, social networking, Internet chat,play music, mobile gaming and much more.
The device got build-in internal accelerometer allows for two viewing angles: upright, ideal for a table or nightstand or titled or even for countertop. The concept of its design is to be light weight and provides long battery life as “personal internet” device.
It also supports multiple user profiles and channels, profiles and channels, allowing several members of the household to create and maintain their own customized view of the Internet.
