Linux in Command line mp3 player

Linux in Command line mp3 player

This post is after about a month long hibernation from my blog.
I made my mind up to listen songs as i usually do (it contributes to my hobby). In fact, i was suffering with a headburst headache, so i thought songs might be the stress buster and good entertainer too. What striked my mind was why couldn’t i play the tracks on command line rather playing’em in traditional RhythmBox or Amarok etc. The way i thought, the way i found…some googling let me find such a tool named mpg123, which is nothing but a command line player cum MPEG streamer.
Installation on Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt-get install mpg123
Installation on RedHat/Fedora/Cent OS: For this, we have to first enable the rpmforge repo and try
yum install mpg123
and you are done.
Go to the shell; Move into your songs folder; and type in mpg123 * as below:
neeraj@nee-pc:/media/LEISURE/fun/songs$ mpg123 *
Just press Ctrl+C , if you want to switch onto the next song in the folder.
Have a glimpse of the mpg123 on my UbuntuBox:

Linux in Command line mp3 player
Play files on the shell itself
Type man mpg123 and you will see what else can you do with this versatile thing.