- 5 - It represents the family of the GPU. The higher the number, the latest technology it uses and that it can support.
- 8 - It represents the performance of the card. The higher the number, the better and faster it can compute.
- 0 - It represents trade-off between graphics quality and performance speed. The higher the number, the higher the clock speed but lesser quality.
Now let us pick an ATI Radeon HD 6870 GPU. The model number 6870 has four digits out of which the last digit is insignificant:
- 6 - Same as in nVidia, it represents the family of the GPU. The higher the number, the latest technology it uses and that it can support.
- 8 - It represents the performance of the card. The higher the number, the better and faster it can compute.
- 7 - It represents the stability and reliability of the card. The higher the number, more stable it is.
Obviously, the lowest model number would cost the least. But, since we do not want outdated technology, it is necessary to buy the right Graphic Card out of our available budget. Choose a higher performance graphic card if you want to play the latest games flawlessly, but choose a newer graphic card if you want to extend the life of your PC. Sometimes, u might face a dilemma when you go GPU-shopping. For example, you might find the price of nVidia Geforce GTX 480 and GTX 550 almost similar. The choice is yours, but remember the points mentioned above and you will add a gem to your system.