Funny USB Drives in Market

Funny USB Drives in Market

Weird Thumb Usb Drive
Funny USB Drives in Market
This one falls in the bizarre category. This goes to show that having a USB pen drive is not cool enough you need a freakingly real looking thumb to grab some attention.

Wanna freak out your friends buy just for $89
[Via fosfor]

USB drive that inflates with Storage

The novelty of a USB disk drive is that it could be 2 GB and yet it is so small. one russian perharps didn't get that. He designed, patented a kind of USB storage that blows up according to the storage space occupied. It uses micropump to achieve that result. So with this if you carry a bunch of files in the USB if feels too like you are carrying a bunch of files in your pocket. What next USB inflatable Bra ?

Funny USB Drives in MarketFunny USB Drives in Market

[Thnx TechLivez]

Freshly Baked USB Drives
Funny USB Drives in Market
Considering most people that use a computer I know, either should be on a diet or on a diet, USB that resembles a burger isn't that good idea especially when delectable looking gadget is $60. For the people who aren't tortured at the sight of nicely baked pizza there is also Hot Dog, French Bread and sandwich.

Gold Ingot Bar USB Hub
Now it is a know fact allegedly that Japanese dig weird USB stuff and one company is just doing that. One of their product is Gold Ingot USB Hub ... phew ! Check out the company Ceo endorsing the product.
Funny USB Drives in MarketFunny USB Drives in Market