Yahoo Store Design & Development

We create Yahoo Store Design which perfectly suits your “Business Concepts”. Get complete Yahoo Store Solution for your eBusiness from “KAUSHALAM”. Kaushalam is a Trusted & Reliable source for all you e-Commerce Solutions.

1. Develop a New Yahoo Store
2. Redesign Your Existing Yahoo Store
3. Yahoo Store Packages
4. Yahoo Store RTML Features

What is Yahoo Store?

Yahoo store is an e-commerce based business solution provided by Yahoo! Inc. Every business needs room to grow. Now day’s business is not limited to only local market and merchants want their products to be marketed and sold worldwide. This business globalization demanded an easy and quick solution that provides trust based services along with shopping cart and customized checkout for trade online.

Yahoo store provides template based environment that easily create a professional web site. Yahoo store aspects secure and reliable service, with an exclusive web address.

What is RTML?

RTML is a proprietary language used by the Yahoo Store software that writes template. Templates are programs that are run when you publish your store to generate the final HTML for your store pages.

Why choose Kaushalam for Yahoo Store Development?
  • Paying attention in Development as per client’s requirement
  • 100 % Dedicated and Devoted Development Team
  • Customized Template Technology
  • Easy to Reach Us
  • Windup project as early as possible with Accuracy
  • Results speaks, We establish Giant!
  • Experience!