Attacks on Twitter,FaceBook by Hackers

Attacks on Twitter,FaceBook by Hackers

Facebook and Twitter were attacked by hackers on August 6.The attackers has used denial-of-service attack.It is believed that same attacker or group of same attackers have have attacked both the sites.Internet users were thwarted from logging on to Twitter for several hours and Facebook members saw delays logging in and accessing their online profiles, raising speculation of a co-ordinated campaign against the two sites.

Facebook issued an early statement on its site saying that, "Earlier this morning, Facebook encountered network issues related to an apparent distributed denial-of-service attack that resulted in degraded service for some users.

The service--while was restored later Thursday. Meanwhile, the company said in its status blog that it was "continuing to defend against and recover from this attack."

The hackers have used denial of service or DOS attack on both the sites In a denial-of-service attack a Web site or server is bombarded with more traffic than it can handle, effectively causing online congestion. Such attacks are done from multiple computers and usually hackers send malware data to the target site in unison. After initial denial of any such attack, both Facebook and Twitter have now acknowledged attack on their site by denial-of-service attack.