Timeline of iPhone: Introduction to Leading Smartphone and Mobile Applications

iPhone Apps DeveloperiPhone – Apples’ product, no doubt was a revolutionary mobile device of this century. Today, the wireless device with a touch screen and elegant, was the fascination of people. It is visually pleasing with 3.5 inch touch screen for users with a digital camera with a resolution of 2 megapixels. Smooth the effects of the touch screen, the best appearance, excellent sound quality as that of an iPod, Internet browsing - features, all in one - are the reasons for its immense popularity. Users of laptops were so fascinated by this device that the day of its launch, the visitors stayed overnight outside stores - the night before.

The first iPhone was launched on June 29, 2007 in the United States. In the first hours of its launch 270,000 units were sold. This clearly shows the popularity, demand and response of iPhone worldwide. More than 6 million units were sold during its introduction to other parts of the world. Perhaps, Apple knew that this product will break all records of device in the history of mobile phones. Apple sold over 21 million iPhone till date.

Soon after the iPhone was fascinated increasingly strong in people, Apple has announced its next version, Apple iPhone 3G, with GPS support and faster access 3G. In addition, Apple has developed a software development kit allows developers to move their applications on the Apple site for legal downloading by users. Developers must pay a fee. They can fix the cost of the application which they can retain 70% share and Apple Inc. gets 30%.

Seeing the initial gains of iPhone application development, developers have started to mobile application development for more users, more applications which has increased a demand of  iPhone applications. 

Hire Mobile Application DeveloperEarning potential was actually pretty huge. Apple reported sales of iPhone applications are 2 million every day in the first month and one billion nine months later. Sales increase is therefore expected with the launch of the new operating system. Program designers have made millions by creating interesting, useful, innovative applications and sell them by the Apple App Store.

iPhone, a mobile phone being much publicized Apple saw the success that no other mobile has been known for years.

Just imagine if the Android wasn’t available? This is the only competitor that has an ability to develop mobile applications of next level. If you are in a search of Mobile Application developer, you can hire mobile application developer right now.